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Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords
27/01/2016 01:14 AM

Channel 5

Channel Five bosses have agreed the eye-opening first series of ‘Nightmare Tenants Slum Landlords’ has only scratched the surface of the issues faced when the relationships between landlords and tenants break down. 

A second series featuring eviction specialists Landlord Action has been commissioned and will be broadcast in March 2016. 

The final episode in the current series features a case that causes one landlord to take the decision that his buy-to-let dream is over.  Steve Bull bought his first buy-to-let property four years ago with the intention of his children benefitting from the investment in years to come. Eight months ago a new tenant moved in, has been consistently late paying the rent and has now amassed rent arrears totalling more than £5,000.   Bull entrusts the help of Paul Shamplina from Landlord Action to evict the tenant but the disruption and worry the incident has caused Bull and his family mean he is ready to sell up and move on. “As the buy-to-let market grows, with more people expected to rent than own property with a mortgage by 2025, naturally the level of complaints relating to tenancies will follow,” said Shamplina, “No amount of legislation will ever be able to eradicate problematic tenancies, so education is the only way to help reduce this. 

‘Nightmare Tenants Slum Landlords’ isn’t aimed at putting people off either letting or renting property but highlights some of the scenarios which can arise so both tenants and landlords can protect themselves in advance.”

Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords | Channel 5

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Tenant Deposits - tips for landlords and tenants
15/10/2013 05:36 PM

Protection of tenants deposits has been a legal requirement for Landlords and Agents since April 2007. Yellx Property Ventures is a member of both the DPS and MyDeposits schemes and all deposits we take are protected, click link for further information

If your Landlord or Agent has not protected your deposit they are breaking the Law and they may be fined, to find out if your deposit is protected visit the scheme websites (see link above)


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How to rent: the checklist for renting in England
15/10/2013 05:36 PM

The Department for Communities and Local Government has launched a 'How to rent' guide. The guide is for tenants and landlords in the private rented sector to help them understand their rights and responsibilities. It provides a checklist and more detailed information on each stage of the process, including:

  • what to look out for before renting
  • living in a rented home
  • what happens at the end of a tenancy
  • what to do if things go wrong

Visit to download your copy

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Reporting Problems to the Council
15/10/2013 05:36 PM

Have you walked past the same graffiti on the wall for the last month thinking someone should call the council, or have you driven over the same pot hole swerving to avoid damaging your car. Well unless someone tells the council they are never going to know.

There are a number of new way you can report problems in your local community.

FixMyStreet is a mySociety website through which users can report potholes, broken street lights and similar problems with streets and roads in the United Kingdom to their local council or related organisation, and see what reports have already been made

My Council Services enables you to capture the details of an issue or incident that is then automatically submitted to the council.
You can submit reports for issues such as; 
  • Missed bin collection 
  • Broken parking meter 
  • Problem in a local park 
  • Illegal fly posting 
  • Drain problem 
  • Missed bin collection 
  • Parking meter 
  • A broken street light 
  • Broken pavement 
  • Graffiti 
  • Pot holes 
  • Abandoned vehicle 
  • Dead animal 
  • Rubbish on the street 
  • Illegal dumping of waste 
  • Pest problem 
  • Refuse problem 
  • Skip problem 
  • Dog fouling 
  • Bus Stop 
  • Public Conveniences 
  • Recycling 
  • Complaint or Praise 
  • Cigarette smoking 
  • Car Park maintenance 
  • Food hygiene 
  • Light or Noise Pollution 
  • Anti Social Behaviour 
  • Health and Safety 
  • Planning Breaches 
  • Empty Properties 
  • Street 
  • Benefit Fraud 
  • Other

both of these sites have smartphone apps that make it possable to do the reporting there are then.

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Joined Facebook
27/05/2013 11:10 PM

Yellx Property Venture has joined facebook. The site will be updated with posts from this blog, so you can use it to get up to the minute information which will link back to this site.


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Have you heard of QR codes yet? Here is a quick introduction:

They come to us from Japan where they are very common. QR is short for Quick Response

To read a QR code you use a reader just like with a barcode (They are similar). But QR uses camera technology. So readers can come on smart phone or other portable media device

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Smoke Alarms Guidance
10/07/2012 11:16 PM

Many people killed in house fires are asleep at the time.

A smoke alarm will wake you up and give you vital extra time to escape. Costing from as little as £5, there really is no excuse for not having a smoke alarm in your home. You can get a free smoke alarm and a FREE Home Fire Risk Assessment by booking a Home Fire Risk Assessment but if you want to choose your own, get clued up with our advice.

Did you know…?

  • A smoke alarm could save you in a fire.
  • 90 people die each year because their smoke alarm is not working.
  • Most fires start when people are cooking.
  • Every 3 days someone dies from a fire started by a cigarette.
  • Broken electrics start about 7,000 fires a year.

Make your home safe guidance leaflet >>

How to choose a Smoke Alarm

  • A smoke alarm is a warning device that detects smoke at the earliest stages of a fire. When it detects a fire, it will make a piercing noise to alert or wake you.
  • Smoke alarms can cost as little as £5 and are available from DIY stores, electrical shops and many supermarkets and high-street retailers.
  • There are two ways that smoke alarms detect fires. Both types are effective but there are some differences.

Ionisation Alarms

These alarms are the cheapest and the most widely available from most supermarkets, DIY stores and other high street retailers. They are sensitive to free burning fires e.g. chip pan fires.

Optical Alarms

These are more expensive because they are more effective at detecting slow burning fires such as overheated electrical wiring. They are less likely to go off accidentally or when you're cooking, and are best for ground floor hallways or for homes on one level.

If you are installing more than one smoke alarm, you may want to consider having one ionisation and one optical alarm for the best protection. However, whichever model you choose, look out for one which has a British Standard Kitemark symbol which indicates that the detector is an approved model.

Living in Rented Accommodation?

Landlords are not legally obliged to fit smoke alarms. Your safety is your own responsibility and if you move, you can always take your smoke alarm with you!

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Get me Toasty - Free Insulation
29/04/2012 06:33 PM

If you own or privately rent your home, you may now be able to get loft and cavity wall insulation for FREE.

Depending on what you have installed, typical bill savings per year can be well over 100 pounds

Find our more and register your interest at:


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Loan Sharks
29/04/2012 06:10 PM

Loan Sharks are illegal money lenders who often prey on vulnerable people and charge extortionate interest rates meaning that borrowers could end up paying back many time more than the amount borrowed. If the borrower fails to make payments they may be verbally or physically threatened.

If you are considering using a Loan Shark you should think again, if you are having financial difficulties there are advice services that you can contact to help:

Citizens Advice Bureau -

Moneyline -

Debt Advice -

If you are a tenant struggling with rent payments contact your landlord to explain the situation.

If you are approached by a Loan Shark you can report them or seek advice by contacting the Illegal Money Lending Team on:

Tel: 0300 555 2222


Text: loan (space) shark (space) + your message to 60003



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Condensation - Protect your home
19/02/2012 08:13 PM

Condensation is a common problem in homes which can cause mould, damage to property and may even affect your health.

Condensation is caused by warm moist air coming into contact with cool surfaces like walls or windows. Cooking, taking baths and showers & drying clothes indoors all add to the moisture in the air which can lead to condensation and mould however there are easy tips which can be followed to help avoid the problem.

Our top tips:

  • Ventilate your home daily to remove moisture by opening windows.
  • Dry washing outside if possible
  • Do not block air vents in doors and walls
  • Keep your home warm
  • Regularly wipe surfaces where moisture settles

For more information see one of the links below:

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Fire Safety - Free Inspections and Smoke Detectors
10/01/2012 06:46 PM

Both tenants and landlords should be aware of the risks fire poses to property and more importantly the threat to lives of friends and family. Yellx Property Ventures is keen to promote fire safety in the properties we manage.

Local Fire Services and/or councils offer free Inspections and installation of free Smoke detectors and we recommend you take advantage of this service. Try the links below or web search your local fire service.




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Prepayment meter fraud
12/08/2011 10:06 PM

Tenants and landlords should be aware of a prepayment meter scam.

In short someone may call at the house offering discounted top-ups for prepayment meters, these top-ups will allow the user to continue to use electricity but it will not have been paid for. The electricity company will then ask for further payment so you will pay twice.

More than 120,000 customers have already been affected with many more at risk.

For more details visit:

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Tenant Insurance
27/12/2010 07:02 PM

If you are a tenant you should protect your own belongings in your rented house by taking out an appropriate insurance policy.

Your landlord should insure the building, fixtures and fittings and any contents (e.g. furniture left in the property), as a tenant you are responsible for insuring your own possessions. You should check with your landlord that they have insurance before signing your contract, it is normally a condition of the contract that they do. If they do not have insurance you should carefully consider how this would affect you should something happen e.g. a major fire.

It is illegal for anyone to advise or sell insurance unless they are regulated by the FSA and you should check with the FSA (The Financial Services Authority if you are in any doubt.

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