Condensation - Protect your home

Condensation - Protect your home
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Condensation is a common problem in homes which can cause mould, damage to property and may even affect your health.

Condensation is caused by warm moist air coming into contact with cool surfaces like walls or windows. Cooking, taking baths and showers & drying clothes indoors all add to the moisture in the air which can lead to condensation and mould however there are easy tips which can be followed to help avoid the problem.

Our top tips:

  • Ventilate your home daily to remove moisture by opening windows.
  • Dry washing outside if possible
  • Do not block air vents in doors and walls
  • Keep your home warm
  • Regularly wipe surfaces where moisture settles

For more information see one of the links below:

Comments (1)
Marcus Hughes says:
This is good advice weather you own or are renting. Other great tips on maintenance can be found on the FAQ area of this site here. We have a maintenance site for own tenant to report problems, here. There is all so a great FAQ section there too.
27/05/2012 09:03 PM

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